Saturday, July 02, 2005


Today was a very frustrating day at work and sometimes I wonder if it is worth it. I guess I need to explain my occupation. I am the asst. manager at Sears Automotive. I do make enough to take care of my family,but it could be better. I think that I am too intellegent for what I do. Then again,is it about me or God? There is history here, but maybe I will tell about it some other time.

Now where did I leave off? My mother met my father when she was 15 and gave birth to me at the age of 16 in Miami at Jackson Memorial. I made that sound so simple, but it wasn't. My mother and my grandmother have a terrible relationship. I can understand why my grandmother had custody of me, she raised me since I was 5 days old, but why the bad blood?

There is so much I don't know,but what I do know is sometimes saddening. For instance, things I don't know: why did she go to Miami, did she run away or was she sent? Why did my grandmother have my mother labeled as an unfit mother? Why not teach her how to care for her child? Why didn't my father step in? Why did my mother live in Atlanta and had to be introduced to me when I was 5? Why did the cow jump over the moon(lol)?

There are so many questions, but the truth is God has a plan for my life and maybe someone somewhere will hear my story and believe that God is the only way through his son Jesus The Christ and they will confess their sins and be saved. Or better yet my children will see and hear about my life and that will be something that can help them draw closer to God. WITHOUT A RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD, WHAT DO WE HAVE? PEACE!


steve said...

Keep your eyes on Him my friend.

God is good!

Anonymous said...

Hey babe, I know work is frustrating but you know that God is just preparing you for something. That's what this season of your life is about...preparation.

steve said...

and you get to be a POSITIVE and STRONG role model for your kids. That is the true blessing

Tammy said...

Preach it brotha!

God has a plan for your life, and you're in the midst of it. Isn't he good, that he blessed you with a grandmother to love you, a wonderful wife, and two cuties for children? Yes, he is good.